Senin, 23 September 2013

Watch Black Swan (2010) film watch

Black Swan

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Watch Black Swan (2010) Online - Black Swan Movie is released on 17 December 2010 in Theater. This Black Swan is telling: A ballet dancer wins the lead in "Swan Lake" and is perfect for the role of the delicate White Swan - Princess Odette - but slowly loses her mind as she becomes more and more like Odile, the Black Swan.. Many actors and actriss are starring this Black Swan movie, such as Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Vincent Cassel, Barbara Hershey, Winona Ryder,

The producers (Jon Avnet, Brad Fischer, Scott Franklin, Jerry Fruchtman, Peter Fruchtman, Rose Garnett, Ari Handel, Mike Medavoy, Arnold Messer, Brian Oliver, Joseph P. Reidy, Jennifer Roth, Rick Schwartz, Tyler Thompson, David Thwaites, ) made this Black Swan (2010) with Company.

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Black Swan (2010) Movie Info:

Movie Alias: Black Swan
Movie Year: 2010
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller,
Rating: 8.1
Release Date: 17 December 2010
Movie Runtime: 108 minutes
Producers: Jon Avnet, Brad Fischer, Scott Franklin, Jerry Fruchtman, Peter Fruchtman, Rose Garnett, Ari Handel, Mike Medavoy, Arnold Messer, Brian Oliver, Joseph P. Reidy, Jennifer Roth, Rick Schwartz, Tyler Thompson, David Thwaites,
Writers: Mark Heyman, Andres Heinz, John J. McLaughlin,
Production Co. :
Casts: Natalie Portman, Mila Kunis, Vincent Cassel, Barbara Hershey, Winona Ryder, Benjamin Millepied, Ksenia Solo, Kristina Anapau, Janet Montgomery, Sebastian Stan, Toby Hemingway, Sergio Torrado, Mark Margolis, Tina Sloan, Abraham Aronofsky, Charlotte Aronofsky, Marcia Jean Kurtz, Shaun O'Hagan, Christopher Gartin, Deborah Offner, Stanley B. Herman, Michelle Rodriguez Nouel, Kurt Froman, Marty Krzywonos, Leslie Lyles, John Epperson, Arkadiy Figlin, Tim Fain, Sarah Lane, Liam Flaherty,

Black Swan Online Movie Storyline

Nina (Portman) is a ballerina in a New York City ballet company whose life, like all those in her profession, is completely consumed with dance. She lives with her obsessive former ballerina mother Erica (Hershey) who exerts a suffocating control over her. When artistic director Thomas Leroy (Cassel) decides to replace prima ballerina Beth MacIntyre (Ryder) for the opening production of their new season, Swan Lake, Nina is his first choice. But Nina has competition: a new dancer, Lily (Kunis), who impresses Leroy as well. Swan Lake requires a dancer who can play both the White Swan with innocence and grace, and the Black Swan, who represents guile and sensuality. Nina fits the White Swan role perfectly but Lily is the personification of the Black Swan. As the two young dancers expand their rivalry into a twisted friendship, Nina begins to get more in touch with her dark side - a recklessness that threatens to destroy her.

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More Info About Black Swan (2010):

Music By: Clint Mansell,
Graphics by: Matthew Libatique,
Editor: Andrew Weisblum,

Thats all about Black Swan (2010). Enjoy Watching Black Swan (2010) Online.

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